When To Invest in a High-Security Shredder

Many companies and organizations use reliable industrial shredders to keep their confidential content safe. If your business handles many confidential documents, you’ll need an industrial shredder that can dispose of large amounts of paper with ease. However, knowing for sure if an industrial shredder is the right machine for your business or organization can be challenging. To decide what’s best for your business, learn when to invest in a high-security shredder below.

Handle Classified Content

If your organization or business regularly handles classified content, consider investing in an industrial shredder. Companies that handle classified content on a regular basis use industrial shredders because they can shred large volumes of paper with ease. With an industrial shredder, you can ensure that your information remains safe.

Keep Your Business’s Information Safe

No matter what industry your business serves, you’ll need to keep your company’s information out of the wrong hands. This includes business records, financial documents, and essential data. Unfortunately, some people take the time to piece papers back together to recover sensitive information. So your company will need a heavy-duty industrial shredder to prevent this, especially if you work with large amounts of classified information.

Protect Employee Records

Employees trust their companies and organizations to protect their personal information. Even after employees leave a company, the business is still responsible for keeping their information secure. If a company or organization accidentally leaks an employee’s records or personal information, it can have disastrous consequences, including fines and lawsuits. Additionally, it can damage the company’s reputation, which is never beneficial. When your business or organization no longer needs an employee’s records or information, it’s best to shred them with a durable industrial shredding machine.

Comply with Government Regulations

Another reason why companies choose to invest in industrial shredders is to comply with government regulations. In many industries, protecting the information of customers, employees, and businesses is vital. To do this effectively, the government requires the thorough destruction of outdated and confidential documents. A few industries that must dispose of their documents on a regular basis are the finance, health care, and legal industries. Some of the US laws that require this destruction are HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and GLBA (the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act). With an industrial shredder, you’ll be able to shred your documents with ease and comply with these federal laws.

Shred Large Volumes of Paper

If you often shred large amounts of paper, then you’ll need an industrial shredder. Other types of shredders may not be able to handle large amounts of paper, but industrial shredders are designed to dispose of large quantities of paper. In fact, you can damage a smaller shredder if you add too many sheets of paper. Every shredder has a limit for the number of papers it can shred at once. With an industrial shredder, however, you can shred plenty of documents quickly and efficiently without damaging the machine.

These are the signs that will tell you when to invest in a high-security shredder for your organization or business. For industrial paper shredders or large shredding systems, browse Capital Shredder Corp.’s website today for excellent options.

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