What You Should Know About Multimedia Shredders

Multimedia shredders are practical shredders for any home or office. These useful shredders are made to handle a variety of materials and tackle various projects. If you’re considering this type of shredder for your workspace, here’s what you should know about multimedia shredders.

What Multimedia Shredders Can Shred

One of the many benefits of choosing a multimedia shredder is their ability to handle and destroy a wide variety of materials. From computer accessories such as floppy disks to ID cards and more, these shredders have a wide range of shredding abilities. Additionally, some shredders can handle these unique materials along with the standard paper products, which makes them great for office use.

Security Level

Just like any other type of shredder, multimedia shredders offer a range of security levels and options. Shredders offer a range of security levels and options to fit your business needs. Shredders range from low-level security options to high-level, top-secret security protection. Shredders at level-two protection are less secure than high-security level-seven shredders. While security is important, not all businesses will need the highest level of security. However, you want to choose a shredder with a fine enough cut to protect your information, especially when it comes to handling multimedia materials.

Other Qualities

Some of the other qualities to look for in multimedia shredders include cut type, feed opening sizes, and bin capacity. These factors will affect the security and practicality of your shredder. For example, you want to choose a shredder with enough bin capacity to support your workplace and the employees who utilize it. A bin that is too small will constantly be overflowing with paper and other media scraps.

Now that you understand what you should know about multimedia shredders, do you think this type is the right fit for your business’s needs? If so, feel free to browse our selection of high-security CD shredders here at Capital Shredder Corp. We also provide a wide variety of other shredders if you decide a different type would better suit your needs.

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