Tips for Recycling Federal E-Waste To Standard

Because business and personal use of electronics are increasing every year, e-waste is becoming a major issue all over the world. Therefore, it’s important for everyone who uses electronics to recycle them responsibly. Find out how you can help with these best tips for recycling federal e-waste to standard.

Reuse & Donate Electronics

The best way to fight e-waste is to avoid disposing of electronics altogether. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends first reusing and donating operational electronics that are still in working condition. This act helps keep these products out of the waste stream for a longer period and extends the lifetime of your electronics. Some companies will even accept used electronics to refurbish and return them or put them back on the market. However, some electronics won’t last forever, so it’s also important to know how to recycle these products when the time comes.

Find a Certified Electronics Recycler

When you need to dispose of old electronics that are beyond repair or reuse, the most responsible way to do so is to seek out a certified electronics recycler. Many electronics companies also offer drop-off and pickup services, mailing, and warranty programs through select retail stores. Then, from these certified collection centers, electronics may be refurbished and resold or sent to recovery facilities to be sorted, cleaned, and processed. There are still some electronic components waste haulers must bring to landfills from the recycling stage, so it’s always best to attempt to reuse or resell these products.

Proper Disposal Guidelines

When you’re sending electronics out for disposal—whether you drop them off at a certified collection center or use any other method—make sure that they’re clean and secure before you dispose of them. Many modern businesses store confidential company information on computers, hard drives, and discs, which you want to wipe or remove from these devices. Ensure that nefarious parties won’t be able to access information on your devices like hard drives and discs by using an NSA-approved CD shredder and store the remains securely for disposal.

The only way all of us can tackle the e-waste problem is to be more conscious of electronic waste and start making changes. Follow these tips for recycling federal e-waste to standard to meet federal guidelines and those in place by the EPA.

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