level 6 shredding

When a company decides to start using a high security paper shredder with level 6 shredding, they often do so in order to protect sensitive information. After all, if 49% of consumers believe that their security habits make them vulnerable to identity theft and other types of information frauds, corporations must also have practices that inadvertently put their security at risk.

To protect themselves and their clients, many businesses turn to secure paper shredding. This security measure has another added benefit that many companies may not have considered: environmental sustainability. Learn how level 6 shredding is an eco-friendly practice that can help lower your company's carbon footprint.

Potential For Composting

When you use an industrial shredder machine to dispose of your company's sensitive documents, you create very tiny paper shreds. These small pieces of paper are an ideal by-product to compost, as long as they aren't from papers that were colored or glossy.

Look for community composting in your area and start a habit of regularly composted your shredded documents. This practice not only helps make a rich organic mixture that is great for soil and plants, but it also keeps paper waste out of the country's growing landfills.

Reduction Of Deforestation

The worldwide paper demand leads to the destruction of forests around the globe. This destruction has incredibly negative effects on the environment as it disrupts fragile ecosystems, puts animal populations at risk, and compromises the amount of oxygen in the air. The process of cutting down forests also requires an immense amount of labor, energy, and water.

By recycling shredded paper, companies are contributing to paper production without touching the planet's forests. A piece of paper can go through the recycling process between five and seven times. As more paper is recycled, fewer trees are cut down. Recycling also helps to significantly cut down on the energy that goes into paper production. Recycling one ton of paper results in using 65% less energy, 50% less water, and leads to 72% less pollution.

If your company wants to start relying on more sustainable practices, using a high capacity paper shredder with level 6 shredding is a great launching point. Contact Capital Shredder today to explore the many secure paper shredding options available to you.

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