What Remote Employees Should Know About Shredding Documents

Business owners and employers understand the importance of information security in the workplace, but do employees have the same understanding? When it comes to remote work, it can be difficult to manage and oversee information security remotely.

This is why it’s so important to train your remote employees in information security. Keep reading to discover exactly what remote employees should know about shredding documents so that you can cover everything during training.

Shredding Protects Company Security

Many remote employees must participate in security training courses to learn how to stay protected from online scams and criminal activity. Shredding documents and practicing responsible information disposal are other methods of business security.

Whether employees work in a corporate office or in their home office, secure information disposal is crucial to the safety of a business. Include document handling and shredding in your company’s remote work agreement to ensure your remote employees understand their responsibilities in this area.

When and What To Shred

Without proper training, not all remote employees will know which documents to shred and when to shred them. While conducting security training with your remote employees, teach them to shred any printed documents that contain sensitive information. This information includes addresses, account information, client names and information, and other confidential elements.

However, there are also sensitive documents that employees may need to keep and use regularly. They may also need to save documents for legal reasons, such as tax-related information. For these situations, teach responsible and secure ways to store this information.

Which Shredder To Use

Many homeowners may already have a general-use shredder at home for handling their own shredding needs. However, depending on your business, you may need to supply remote employees with a high-security shredder.

There are several types of high-security shredders, such as cross-cut and micro-cut models, that come in personal and deskside varieties. This compact size makes them perfect for use in smaller home offices. Consider investing in personal document shredders that you can send to your remote employees along with their other technical devices in a remote-work package.

Proper document storage and destruction are crucial for remote work arrangements. Always outline this information about shredding documents that remote employees should know during your training courses. And if you’re looking for secure shredders to send to remote offices, browse our selection of personal and deskside shredders here at Capital Shredder.

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