To protect people’s identities, finances, personal information, and more, certain industries must use a secure shredder to dispose of sensitive information completely. Additionally, some companies and organizations are bound by law to destroy specific information depending on the industry. Here are the industries that rely on secure information destruction.


The US government has certain branches that must keep information classified, such as the FBI and CIA. To keep this information in the right hands, the government can use level seven shredders, which are approved by the National Security Administration. Keeping classified information out of the wrong hands ensures that the United States and its citizens remain safe, so it is a top priority of the government.

Medical Industry

The medical industry is bound by law to keep confidential information secure. The United States’ HIPAA privacy rule states that certain information must be kept confidential and disposed of properly. This information includes patients’ medical history, records, biometric identifiers, and more.

Legal Industry

Of course, the legal industry handles confidential information on a daily basis, so there are plenty of rules and regulations they must follow. A few of these rules are the US Patriot Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act, and much more. Since lawyers work with clients every day, they understand the importance of keeping all confidential information safe by using high-security level shredders.

Financial Industry

Financial institutions are also required to protect their clients’ information. Under the Financial Modernization Act of 1999, also known as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, financial institutions are required to protect their clients’ financial information. This act also requires financial companies to explain the methods they use to protect information from clients.

So, the industries that rely on secure information destruction are the financial, legal, and medical industries along with the government. Of course, there are many other industries that use industrial paper shredders and large shredding systems to protect information, but these industries must use high-level security shredders to ensure that the information remains safe. For all your shredding needs, remember to reach out to Capital Shredder Corp, and we will be glad to help you protect your classified information today.

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