Identity theft has been around for many years and is a problem that can cause huge problems for its victims. While companies of all kinds and in all locations have been working to do away with it, it's still an issue that is being fought today. In 2017, an estimated 16.7 million U.S. citizens were victims of identity fraud. According to Javelin, that number dropped to 14.4 million in 2018, which is still a considerably high number of people.

Businesses and individuals alike combat identity theft in a variety of ways. High security paper shredders, passwords for accounts, and checking IDs are all typical measures they use. These are still important procedures that have continued to have a purpose. However, as technology changes, the types of identity theft that people deal with are changing as well. There were nearly 300,000 more phone account takeovers in 2018 than in 2017.

New Strategies for Identity Protection

As the times change, new strategies must be put in place for identity protection. Extra steps have to be taken to keep people from hacking into online accounts that hold sensitive information. While items like high capacity paper shredders still have a crucial place in the world identity security, more measures have to be added as well. People need to be protected on all fronts, both physically and digitally.

Many online sources are now requiring codes to log in to your account. They will send a text or an automated call to your phone that gives you a code to enter. Without this code, you can't get in to view your information. This is a great tactic unless someone happens to have stolen your phone, which brings up another form of protection. Fingerprint locks on phones or voice recognition passwords are becoming more popular as well.

As you can see, there are many different areas of security to consider. You have to start at the source and work all the way to the end point where someone is accessing their information. With most information living online and the majority of the population carrying small computers in their pockets, this is more complicated than ever.

The Importance of Older Strategies

Creating new strategies doesn't mean getting rid of the old. High capacity paper shredders, especially level 6 shredders that are high security, are still vital to this process. Checking IDs before allowing access to bank information is still vital as well. These tasks work hand in hand with more advanced strategies in order to create a much safer system. High capacity paper shredders make sure that sensitive information at government offices can't be stolen from the trash. Verifying someone's identity before they are allowed to withdraw money reduces the chances of their account being drained by a fraud.

These previous methods of identity protection are still part of the chain of security. Slipping up in these areas can still cause major issues for an account holder. It's just as important to continue implementing these strategies as it is to continuously work towards new ones. Identity theft is something that will likely continue to change and fluctuate along with technology, and it's something that people must continue to fight against.

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