Document Classification and Level 6 Shredding: The Keys to Securing Your Privacy

We are all living through the Great Pause right now. Everyone is at home. Businesses are closed, and all of our friends and professional acquaintances are staying in. It appears that, February 2020 might be known in the future as the last normal month American businesses had for quite some time.

During this perilous moment, businesses are perhaps more susceptible than ever to identity thieves, data bandits, and professional hackers. Businesses need to work to secure sensitive documents to ensure that such malfeasants don't interfere with critical information.

Create a Security and Shredding Plan

Putting into place a security plan for sensitive documents is the key to privacy. A good plan should set up layers of security based on document types.

Public Documents

Documents in this category would not require secure paper shredding or enhanced security. These documents are in the public domain and include information readily available on the Internet and would have no adverse effect on the reputation or operations of the business. Though these documents are not sensitive, you can use a high capacity paper shredder to clear up space when they begin to clutter the office.

Internal Documents

These documents are the type that might be found on an intranet or in a secure filing cabinet. Such documents are highly sensitive and a level 6 shredder should be used to dispose of them.

A level 6 shredder is the most secure high capacity shredder because it produces the smallest particles after shredding. The level 6 shredder is used by government agencies because of their effectiveness.

Sensitive Documents

Documents in this category require the highest level of security. Such documents contain privileged information that would compromise your business and its customers if viewed by an outside party. As such, they need tightly controlled access. They should be stored in a password-protected filing cabinet in a secure area. Sensitive documents need to be disposed of with a high-security paper shredder, preferably a level 6 shredder.

Secure Everything During the Great Pause

Not all businesses need a level 6 shredder. However, you might be surprised that using one will virtually guarantee those information bandits won't bear away your important documents.

Giving clients the security they deserve is a strong business measure. It matters, especially when you consider that 49% of American consumers believe their own security tendencies leave them potentially exposed to information fraud or identity theft.

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