If you need to erase a range of magnetic media including high density metal tapes and cassettes then the DG-91M DLT/LTO cassette tape eraser is up to the job. The DG-91M DLT/LTO is one of the fastest degausser machines too, taking as little as ten seconds to completely erase a cassette. It is simple to use and its compact table top operation provides a thoroughly effective and low cost means to degauss Betacam SP, D2, Mll, DAT, 8mm and other high coercivity tapes. The DG-91M DLT/LTO tape eraser degausser is a compact, low noise, manually operated tape eraser that sits neatly on a table top and has been designed very much with Security operations in mind as its powerful degaussing fields can erase even metal particle tape. The DG-91M DLT/LTO bulk tape degausser is ideal for the security conscious, low volume operator who wants to have a professional low budget solution to eliminate magnetic media security risks.